About us

Mindved- it’s a fusion of – ‘Mind’ and “Ved’. Mind is the way of a person that thinks, reasons, perceives, wills, and feels, and Ved, the Sanskrit word means ‘knowledge, wisdom’ derived from the root vid- “to know”. It means, roughly, “Knowledge to control the mind”.

Being in control is always better than being controlled. You can control your mind when you are aware of different aspects of your mind. We believe in the ‘Being aware, Being alive’ concept. Awareness of our body, health, thoughts, diet, and lifestyle creates a great impact on our minds because all these things are interlinked. 

We can only live a healthy life with a healthy mind and healthy body, and meditation can help you do it. It provides you a sense of calm, peace, and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health. Our mission is to share knowledge to unlock the ways of happiness by improving physical and mental health. 

Who We Are

mindved founder

Mayur Pankh

Founder, CEO

Mayur Pankh received his graduation in Psychology from Mumbai University. He is a certified counseling practitioner with 5 years of experience as a meditation practitioner. He completed his internship at Aatma Prakash Mental Health Foundation. Apart from his fine-tuned understanding and career in Psychology, he has eight years of experience in creative writing and filmmaking. He loves to connect with people through Mindved by sharing the importance of Meditation and Yoga in our daily lifestyle. He finds blogs are the best way to express the importance of the human body, mind and to share mindfulness facts with youth. He wants to make a positive difference in people’s lives, that he works as a facilitator for conducting workshops, webinars/ seminars on mental health, spirituality, and meditation.

mindved CTO

Ghanshyam Jadhav

CTO, Mindved

Ghanshyam Jadhav is a certified Web Developer, with graduation in Computer Science Engineer Degree. He has 3 years of experience in the Web Development and SEO Field. He has deep expertise with the latest technology, Digital marketing, and SEO. He loves to design interactive and mobile-friendly website layouts to express the own thoughts of a blogger. Along with a career in It Technology he likes to focus on improving health and focus on mental health wellness. He feels proud to be part of Mindved by connecting millions of people around the globe by sharing the knowledge of all aspects of health, body, mind, lifestyle, diet. He likes to improve the quality of human wellbeing in this digital era. 

mindved crerative head

Asmita Hire

Creative Head

Asmita Hire is a Computer Science Engineer professional with 5 years of experience in analyzing and documentation of High-Level Design and Functional Specifications of various projects. She loves to use her knowledge of monitoring and promoting emerging trends in interactive technologies, content and marketing values, creative designs, and writing documents for web development. Mindfulness has impacted her in every aspect of her daily life routine. She feels proud as a team member of Mindved and considers her work by creating awareness about Health, Yoga, Mindfulness practices, and Meditation through her blogs.

mindved digital marketer

Rohan Jawal

Digital Marketing Head

DIGITAL MARKETING has already ushered in a new marketing era. I’ve been exploring the digital world for the last few years. Learning new things and implementing them in my daily work routine is one of my favorite things to do. I always believed that“ Integrity towards Work will make you Successful ! ”. I would say, this belief has made me form my own firm SPIDER WEB – Website Development & Digital Marketing company. It was not about just creating a Digital Marketing Agency, but it is all about working for myself and utilizing my skills, passion, and honesty towards work efficiently for enhancing the growth of any business. Approaching new people, handling clients and understanding their requirements, softly dealing with them, and making a strong long-term relationship with them is one of the best things I have learned throughout this time. Developing an online portfolio for the startups & corporates, designing an eCommerce website, and ensuring the ROI for the businesses through Digital Marketing techniques was challenging from the beginning itself.

mindved fitness author

Vikas Yadav

Fitness Author

Vikas Yadav has done his graduation in Nutrition and Dietetics from Sharda University. Apart from career in Nutrition he has two years of experience as freelancer Health Counsellor in renowned Gym in Delhi. He loves to help and guide the people about our healthy lifestyle and help them to overcome their health related problems with proper fitness tips. Through Mindved he finds the best way to share the importance of our body fitness and healthy diet plans in our daily lifestyle.


All content of this website has been written and published strictly for informational and educational purposes. It is not a substitute for medical advice from qualified doctors and other healthcare professionals. Please consult your healthcare provider if you have any illness history before starting mediation, yoga, exercises, and diet. The information provided on this site is published in good faith and it will help you for improvement of physical and mental health. We sincerely wish you happy healthy living!!