What is Mind? and How many dimensions are there?

What is Mind? 

Mind………a mystifying, elusive thing in the world!!

Is the mind thought? Is the mind intellectual? Is the mind feelings or emotions? Is the mind the brain? Does the mind have any shape? Does the mind have any boundaries? Where is the mind situated? Is mind energy?

If yes, energy is present in the Sun, animals, trees, etc, then do they have a mind?  There are lots of questions about the mind. But, the answer to all the questions cannot define the mind. It goes far beyond our questions. Mind is a subject of debate for centuries. It is widely studied under various disciplines- Philosophy, Psychology, cognitive science, religions.

In the dictionary, the mind is ‘the element or complex of elements in an individual that reasons, thinks, feels, wills, perceives, judges, etc. Scientists have defined the mind as the product of brain activity. They said that the brain is the physical place where the mind resides.

The layman, poets, yogis, philosophers, psychiatrists have their perspectives about the mind. The mind is like the universe, we cannot understand the vastness of the universe as well as the mind.

The Mind
“The Mind is its own place
And in itself
Can make a hell of heaven or a heaven of hell”
– John Milton

How many dimensions are there?

Understanding different dimensions of mind

According to the famed psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, “The mind is like an iceberg; it floats with one-seventh of its bulk above water.”  The tip of an iceberg above the water represents the conscious mind, closely allied with the conscious mind is the preconscious (subconscious) mind, and beneath the water, the larger bulk portion of the iceberg represents the unconscious mind.

The conscious mind includes all the things that are currently aware of and thinking about. The Preconscious mind involves things that are presently unaware of but that we can pull into conscious awareness when needed. And the unconscious mind means people repress the most of their thoughts, memories, and desire, especially which are painful or socially unacceptable.

In yogic science, the mind has 16 dimensions which are categorized into 4 parts- Buddhi (Intellect), Ahankara (Identity), Manas (Memory), and Chitta (Pure Intelligence).

The Mind Power and Working of mind

The mind power is one of the strongest and useful power, which can influence our whole life. We are what we think and how we do it. Napoleon Hill said, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

Your thoughts are the main food for mind power. Thoughts are the energy, though subtle and invisible, that can affect reality. 

Five senses of the human body- (Eye, Ear, Nose, Skin, and Tongue) absorb the positive and negative waves from the surroundings, and give feelings and emotions, and creates thoughts. The thoughts turn to think that pass through the mind and storage as memory, is responsible for almost everything that happens in your life.

To understand the power of the mind, it is essential to know the working of the mind. The mind works at two levels- conscious and subconscious. The conscious mind is related to the actions and the unconscious mind with both actions and reactions. We utilize only 10% of mind power means we only use the conscious mind and forgot to use the subconscious mind which is the most powerful part of the mind.

Your subconscious mind controls not only you but even your conscious mind with or without your knowledge. The subconscious mind is the gateway for higher supremacy, just need to introspect the functioning of the subconscious mind and use it to improve our behavior. 

Our mind thinks millions of thoughts. Thoughts of past experiences or future desires may be useless or useful, negative or positive, keep popping up in our minds. These useless thoughts increase our mental load, damage our state of mind. The thoughts distract us and steal our present and our mind is always oscillated from past to future and future to past.

Letting go of the clutter from the mind gives you a calm mind. Calm minds connect us with ourselves. We need a calm mind to feel centered, to know who are, to understand our feelings, emotions, and desires clearly, to know our strengths and limitations.

Relation between Mental Health and Physical Health

Though The mind and the body are viewed as separate, mental and physical health are closely related.

The human body is efficient in doing extraordinary things, but the as strong body will never achieve its goal if it is attached to a weak mind. In contrast, a week body with a strong mind will continue to grow stronger and stronger as long as the person allows the body to gradually catch up. 

Mental health has a big role in general well-being. A good mental state keeps you healthy and helps to prevent serious health conditions. Also, physical well-being has an impact on mental health.

Role of Mindved

‘Mindved’ – Mind + Ved, Ved means knowledge, Mindved means’ knowledge of control mind’. We are here to ease your life journey towards a healthy body and healthy mind. We choose different topics under the category of Meditation, Yoga, Science, Spirituality, Wellness, Astrology, etc, as these are interlinked to each other and affect mankind in different ways.

Let us find the connection between mind and,


Meditation opens up our senses, creates self-awareness which is useful to see our thoughts, broaden our perspective. It helps us be more mindful and focused. It clears the mind from useless thoughts and calm the emotions, or achieves a higher state of consciousness.

The mind has a natural tendency to go forward and outward and in meditation, it turns backward and inward.  Meditation is the imminent means to the attainment of self-realization.


Yoga is not only for physical health but also for mental well-being. Regular yoga practices calm your mind and senses. It is useful for keeping fluctuating thoughts and distractions at bay. 

The movements and postures in yoga asanas are special and need a concentration of mind. Inverted asanas and forward bends utilize gravity and improve oxygen and blood flow to the brain, which helps in mental efficiency. Balancing poses improve concentration or focus. Seated yoga poses to calm the body and nervous system. Different breathing techniques (pranayama) relax your nervous system and gives you mental peace. Thus, you learn to control the mind, attend better focus and get rid of clutter from the mind.


Many branches of science like psychology, cognitive science, philosophy, neuroscience, etc are dealing with the human mind and study how people acquire, perceive, process, and store information. Science allows people to understand more about how the body and mind work together. It not only allows you to be successful by knowledge of decision making, but it can also impact your health. Understanding the working of the mind helps in everyday life to build strong relationships, taking the best decisions, building self-confidence, etc.

Metaphysics is useful to study the mind’s interaction with nature and unseen forces. Quantum Physics and cosmic energy are constantly in touch with our mind’s beliefs. Nothing is good or nothing is bad for cosmic energy, it is neutral. Humans always prefer the emotions of happiness over pain. Hence, we always try to avoid life situations where we might get physically, emotionally, and mentally.


Wellness is the state of living a healthy lifestyle, here health refers to physical, mental, social well-being. Many things like body, mind, environment, finance, spirit, social life, etc can affect your quality of the life. To live a quality life in all sense, it is important to take care of all the aspects that create stress in your life.

Women’s wellness is the most important in today’s society. As we know that health of the families and communities is linked with women’s health. Prenatal and postpartum maternal health is important for the wellbeing of the mother as well as the baby.

From childhood to menopause- a women’s body and mind undergo numerous changes. During these mental, emotional, and physiological transitions, it is important to know about signs and symptoms, their effects on the body and the mind. Mindved focusing on bringing awareness to women about wellness through wellness blogs.


Spirituality has different perspectives for different minds. In general, it includes a sense of connection to something greater than ourselves. It is a part of yourself that guides you to find meaning, connectedness, and purpose in your life. Religion and spirituality are not the same things, nor they entirely different from one another. They overlap each other to some extent.

Major forms of spirituality include- Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Judaism, etc. Spirituality helps people to find answers to philosophical questions like What is the purpose of my life? what is life? It helps people to cope with stress, anxiety, and depression. It restores hope and optimism in the people.


We all are part of the Universe, and from our birth to death, all the moments are recorded on the celestial clock. Astrology is the study of the influence the cosmic objects, usually, the sun, moon, stars, and planets, have on human lives.

At the time of birth, the position of these cosmic objects is said to shape their personality, fortune, relationships, health, etc. These planets have a natural force that affects the person’s physical, biological, and mental-emotional states. The transition of planets can affect your peace of mind and hence it is important to consider the astrological remedies to calm your mind.

Mindved, is always for you as a true friend or a guide, with our knowledge and experiences, to help you, to aware you, and to keep you physically and mentally fit.

Best wishes for a healthy body and a peaceful mind!

And welcome to the world of Mindved!!