What is Wellness and 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Positively, the Global pandemic teaches us to take care of health and wellness much more seriously than before. Let’s discuss in the blog What is Wellness? the evolution of wellness, its dimensions, and importance, etc.

What is Wellness?

What is Wellness and its dimentions

In simple words, wellness is nothing but practicing healthy habits daily to get better physical and mental health.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), ‘Wellness is a complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.’

 Evolution of Wellness

                  Evolution of Wellness
13000-1500 BC – Ayurveda
23000-2000 BC – Traditional Chinese Medicine
3500 BC- Ancient Greek Medicine
4The 1790s- Homeopathy
5The 1860s- Hydrotherapy
6The 1890s- Chiropractic
71910- The Flexner Report
8The 1950s- Organic Farming
9The 1960s- High-level wellness
10The 1970s- First wellness center open
11The 1980s-2000- Wellness Goes Mainstream
122010- Wellness Goes Global
132014- Global Wellness Institute

The word ‘Wellness’ is not new to the modern world. It has ancient roots. You found ancient wellness in Ayurveda (recorded in the Vedas), Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) influenced by Taoism and Buddhism, ancient Greek medicine. 

In the 19th century, a new intellectual movement is started. Several alternative healthcare methods like holistic approach, self-healing, and preventive care including homeopathy, osteopathy, chiropractic, naturopathy were founded and gained popularity in Europe and The United States.

 In the 20th century, the wellness movement gained momentum and get taken seriously by the medical, academic, and corporate worlds.

In the 21st century, wellness spreads worldwide, it gets global reorganization. Now you can see wellness programs are organized by many organizations.

Dimensions of Wellness

People often think wellness is all about physical health – nutrition, exercise, weight management, etc., but it is not limited to this.

Wellness is multidimensional. There are different dimensions (up to 9 or 12) in the wellness model. Here we include an 8-dimensional wellness model.

And the 8 dimensions are-

  1. Emotional/ mental wellness– It relates to your feelings, emotions, and dealing effectively with stress. It teaches you how to handle emotions effectively
  2. Environmental wellness: It teaches us to live in harmony with nature and take action to protect it. It increases awareness about the environment and you will be able to find out that how your daily habits affect the environment.
  3. Financial wellness- It is the process of learning how successfully manage financial expenses. Financial stress is one of the common causes of stress, anxiety, and fear. Developing financially smart habits is useful to achieve future goals.
  4. Intellectual wellness: It is helpful to learn new skills, expand your knowledge, and increases your curiosity. Exchange of new ideas and understandings makes you more mindful and well-rounded.
  5. Occupational wellness: It prepares us for work in which we will get personal satisfaction. It allows us to explore different career options and pursue the opportunities we enjoy the most. It is also helpful to find out work stress. You spend the majority of time at the office during the week, to get the satisfaction of work, right career choice is very important. 
  6. Physical wellness: It is important for proper care of our bodies for optimal health. This program includes physical activity, proper nutrition, and a strong mind to get balanced physical wellness.
  7. Social wellness: It is helpful to make a healthy relationship with others by connecting, interacting, and contributing. It helps learn how to balance your social life with your personal and professional lives.
  8. Spiritual wellness: It helps you in finding your life’s meaning and purpose, and understanding the values, beliefs, and morals that guide your actions. You will learn from your life experiences and you will able to develop harmony with your inner self and the outside world.

Why wellness matters

  • Wellness is important for every person as it ensures happy and healthy living. 
  • A balance between all the aspects of life is important for optimal well-being and overall good health.
  • Wellness is important for everyone to subdue stress, reduce the risk of illness and ensure positive interactions.

The importance of women’s wellness

You may be aware of the slogan’ Healthy Women, Healthy World’. The health of the families and communities is tied to the health of women.

From her childhood through puberty, teenage, marriage, pregnancy, lactation, and menopause, a woman’s body and mind undergo numerous changes.

While playing different roles in her life, she neglects her needs and gives more focus to the care of her spouse and children.

Awareness about wellness can prevent many women from illness at an early stage. In our wellness section, we constantly share information to create awareness in women to lead a happy and healthy life.  So, stay tuned with our blogs.

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Lifestyle and many personal factors affect people’s health. We can achieve optimal wellness by changing our views and balancing spiritual, mental, occupational, social, physical, environmental, intellectual, and financial wellness.

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