Five Elements of Nature: Connection with the Mind

The Five Elements of Nature…in Sanskrit, it is Pancha Maha Bhutas or Pancha tattvas. The Pancha means five and Tattvas could be translated as “the essence that makes you feel you exist”.

As per Hindu cosmology, Lord Brahma is the creator of the universe and all the creatures in nature. And the five elements are the fundamental building blocks of all the nonliving and living things in nature including human beings.

A human body is considered a mirror of the universe. These same elements of nature are present within you and outside you. These elements have a great influence on the human body and mind.

Our behavior, health, emotions are regulated by these five elements. More you understand the element, you can more relate yourself to nature or the universe.

Ayurveda, tells you how an imbalance in any element affects you physically and mentally. A better understanding of the relation of five elements with our body helps you to lead a perfectly healthy and happy life.

Ayurveda, yogic science, and spirituality help you to understand the imbalances of elements in the body and gives you solutions to control them.

Let us know, the five elements as the foundation of nature.


The Five Elements of Nature:

1. Sky/ space (Shunya or Akash)
2. Air (Vayu)
3. Fire (Agni)
4. Water (Jal)
5. Earth (Prithvi)

According to the density, these elements are arranged in this order- Sky< Air<Fire<Water< Earth.

Sky/ space (Shunya or Akash)

The sky element is expansive, empty, and has no resistance. It is also referred to as Ether and has limitless influence. It is a more powerful and dominant element, from which all other elements originate.

Air (Vayu)

The Air element is movable, changeable, and dynamic. Externally the wind and internally the breath represents the air element. Our body cannot survive without breathing. This is the element of intelligence and creativity.

Fire (Agni)

Fire is associated with an intense, hot, powerful energy source, which can transform anything -solid to liquid, liquid to gas. The universal source of energy – The Sun, represents this element. Sunlight brightens and illuminates the world with positive energy and hopes. The heat and light of the sun are essential for the nourishment of plant, animal, and human life.

Water (Jal)

As you are aware that, almost 70% of the earth and our bodies contains water. Water is the element of emotions, feelings, and intuition. It has nurturing and healing power. It removes negativity and make our mind calm and focused.

Water adopts the form of the vessel in which it is poured. This flexibility and adaptability are vital in any relationship as a relationship needs adjustments and attachments.

Earth (Prithvi)

The Earth element represents solidness, stability, heaviness, fertility, stillness, etc. The Earth is considered as a beginning and ending of life, as the life comes from the earth and atter death decomposes back into the earth.

Functions of The Five Elements Within Body

Everybody is made up of the Five Elements of Nature but the proportion is different. Each element is responsible for different structures and functions in the body.

  • The Earth element gives solid structure and strength. Examples of body parts having the earth elements are the bones, flesh, skin, hair, teeth, etc.
  • The water element has a liquid structure. Examples are blood, saliva, urine, sweat, and semen.
  • The Air element is responsible for breathing and movement during expansion, contraction, vibrations, and suppressions.
  • The Fire element is responsible for digestion, thirst, sleep, vision in the eye, and skin complexion.
  • The Space element is present in hollow cavities of the body and is deeply connected to our inner wisdom and intuition.

The Five Elements connection with The Mind

“As is the human body, so is the cosmic body. As is the human mind, so is the cosmic mind.”

The human body, as well as the human mind, are made up of five elements and people experience different moods and sensations depending on which element is dominant.

  • The people with a dominance of earth elements are ground rooted and happy to live in the same place year after year. They have the feeling of heaviness, total comfort, or discomfort.
  • The people with a dominance of water elements are very sensitive, empathic. They are often excelled in making subconscious, emotional and spiritual connections. They have the feeling of oneness and togetherness.
  • The people with a dominance of fire element are fiery, driven personalities, impatient. They have the feeling of passion.
  • The people with a dominance of air element are always kept moving, keep running away physically and mentally.
  • The people with a dominance of sky element have the feeling of expansive, love towards cleanliness, light bodyweight.

Imbalances of the Five Elements

The impurity of any of the elements or imbalance of the elements is the cause of chronic diseases.

  • Impurities in the earth element causes general weakness. Hair loss, loss of calcium from bones, weight loss or gain, muscular diseases.
  • Impurities in the water element cause mucus, cold, and sinusitis, asthma, swelling of glands, blood thinning, or clotting.
  • Impurities in the fire element lead to skin diseases, fever, excessive swelling, diabetes, the toxin in the body, and mental disorders.
  • Impurities in the air elements cause skin dryness, dry cough, constipation, nervous disorders and depression, blood pressure issues, lung disorders, muscle pains, and spasms.
  • Impurities in the sky element cause thyroid disorders, speech problems, epilepsy, throat problem.

Yoga purifies and balances the five elements of the body and mind through specific yoga asanas (poses), Pranayama, Mudras, and Meditation.

Brief Knowledge About the Five Elements of Nature

Brief Knowledge About the Five Elements

  • The Puja Thali (Prayer Plate): Symbolic representation of the five elements

Puja Thali has an auspicious place in Hindu religious occasions, festivals for worshipping god, etc. In Puja Thali, you will be found Ganga Jal – a symbol of the water element), Diya (lamp)-a symbol of the fire element, The smoke from incense stick- a symbol of the air element, Chandan, sweets/fruits in thali- a symbol of the earth element, and ether is deities or magical symbols.

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